Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Reversal of Fortune

Playing online again and my luck is on a nice upswing. Had AA over KK twice and once over AK. For stacks each time, and they held. Also had a nice suckout on this hand. With QJs I reraise a button open-raise preflop out of the blinds. The flop is T9x and I lead out and get called. The turn is another T and I check-raise all-in. My opponent let his clock run all the way down and called me with J9. Gutsy call by him, and correct obviously given what I had. Unfortunately for him, the river was a Q.

Check-raising the turn seemed like the best way to get a fold from a hand like JJ. I thought if I led the turn and was called I wouldn't have enough left on the river to push him off the hand. But I don't know if I ever play a strong hand this way, and maybe he figured that out.

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